WizCat/PRO 4.2 Release Notes ---------------------------- This document contains important information for users who were previously using an older version of this software, distributed under the name WinCat/PRO (versions 3.0 up to 4.1). Registered users ---------------- As you may have noticed the name of the program has been changed from WinCat/PRO to WizCat/PRO. In case you registered WinCat/PRO you are also entitled to use the new WizCat/PRO 4.2 ; your registration-number remains valid. The old WinCat/PRO saved your registration-number in file WINCAT.INI (located in the \WINDOWS directory). The installation-program INSTALL.EXE copies file WINCAT.INI to file WIZCAT.INI ; by doing so, WizCat/PRO will know your registration- number and it will use the program-settings you defined for WinCat/PRO. Filenames --------- Because the name of the program has changed from WinCat/PRO to WizCat/PRO the executables and related files are now called WIZCAT*.* ; prior versions were called WINCAT*.*. The installation-program that comes with WizCat/PRO 4.2 does NOT erase or overwrite the old WINCAT*.* files. If you decide to use the new WizCat/PRO 4.2 you can erase these files : WINCAT.EXE WINCAT.HLP WINCATMC.EXE WINCATUZ.EXE WINCATUZ.WAV WINCATDZ.EXE WINCATAR.DLL WINCATBT.DLL WINCATIC.DLL WINCATRS.BAT WINCATRS.PIF What's new in WizCat/PRO 4.2 ---------------------------- General * WizCat/PRO has been updated to support the peculiarities of Windows 95. However, the program runs in 16-bit mode in order to remain compatible with Windows 3.1/3.11. When you use Windows 95 WizCat/PRO also supports long filenames ; for an explanation on how this works refer to 'About Windows 95 Long Filenames' in the Help file. Work with File window * The new Work with File window replaces the Restore and Associate windows. On this window you can define your favorite programs to WizCat. Then, with a simple double-click on its icon you can run the program, and then it immediately opens the file you're working with. Volume List window * The ‘Exit’ button has been replaced with an ‘Open Catalog’ button. * New function on the ‘Files’ menu : Duplicate Files. Use this function to display all files that occur more than once in the catalog. File List window * A double-click on a file listed on the File List window will instantly run the program that has a Windows-defined association with that file. If there is no association defined, or if the associated program is unable to open the file, the ‘Work with File’ window will be shown instead. Recatalog window * When updating a disk in the catalog, this window will accurately show (and optionally print) all files that have been added, deleted, updated or regressed. This information can be used to see the changes that occurred when installing new software. Search File window * You can now specify multiple arguments using and/or/not operators on the Filename, Folder and Comment fields. * The Index displays a list of all words that occur in comment-entries. Statistics window * In order to support the increasing capacity of harddisks the Statistics window now is able to show ‘used space’ values up to 2 terabytes. Change Volume Icon window * Just a bit bigger. Report window * New report : files sorted by class. New in WOODLE 2.2 : * A label’s width and height can now be reduced to 2.40” (69.4 mm) in order to support 70x70 mm labels. WizCat/PRO Disk and CD-ROM Catalog for Windows version 4.2 Copyright © 1992-1996 Mart Heubel All Rights Reserved